Important Links
New York State Department of Health Novel Coronavirus (COVID 19)
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) COVID 19 Website 19/
CARES Act “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.”
NYS Dept. of Unemployment
NYS Paid Family Leave
NYC Small Business Services (grants to support your payroll and interest free loans)
Small Business Administration (low interest loans)
Helpful Articles
- COVID-19 FAQ for Residential and Commercial Buildings
- Difference between N-95 mask and surgical masks
- COVID Mask Required Poster
- COVID Six Feet Apart Poster- bilingual
- Disinfecting Becomes Top Priority in the COVID-19 World
- COVID-19 Claims
- NYC Jobsite Staging Permitted to Begin June 1
- Construction Guidance from the Dept. of Health
- Letter from Mr. Eric Madoff, Executive Director & CEO of the NYSIF
- Prepare Employees Now for Returning to Work
- Governor’s Order to Supply Essential Workers Masks
- The Construction Industry Managing the Coronavirus Crisis
- COVID-19 Handout CDC
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) – would it be covered by New York Workers Compensation
- Premium Adjustment – NYSIF- A Message to Our Policyholders
- Remote Employees and Workers Compensation
- Coronavirus Causes Worldwide Health Crisis
- COVID-19-Sample Communication to Employees-Infection in the Workplace